Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Eat my shit, Robertson Davies
Why, Roberston Davies, why must you write a book that is not a book?
There is no conflict, there is no drama, there is no excitement. Hell, the "murder" we were promised came at the last 3 pages of the book, and the "mystery" was non existent! Why write a book with a fictional man who lives a mundane life, not including his bizarre saint addiction, and world travels. Hell, he's not even traveling for the fun of traveling, he is traveling to fuel his saint addiction. Plus, he is not even a likable man. He has no real compassion or any other feeling for others. He's only nice to the retarded Ms. Dempster because he thinks he has to be. His best friend is a tool, and he doesn't pick up any interesting friends along the way either. He makes no meaningful friends along the way, and methinks if he died, no one would miss him that much.
Secondly: WHY English Department? Why this atrocity of a book?
Sure, it was good reading. Once. The writing gives people headaches, it's largely redundant, and past section 3, the book stops making any sense. So why make us read it and analyze the poor thing?
What I'm saying here is let us read the old school books that everyone else reads. At least then, we can use Sparknotes.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
New Years
Except, it already feels like 2009 because of all the advertising for "new" 2009 cars.
What, are these cars from the future or something?
In any case: Good bye to the one and only 2008. Unless we start counting from some other calendar.
My resolution?
I don't have one.
Id say I want to get "better" but I'm not really sure what "better" entails.
So I'll just say this. I resolve to be more exciting.
Not to mention I already have a huge list I need to complete before the end of the 2010 school year.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Greetings From A Snowy Purgatory!
Every year, we ship off to Blue Mountain with all our ski/snowboard equipment, enough food to sustain all 3 meals, and clothes. As usual, they ski every single waking hour to squeeze as much "fun" as they can from that lift ticket, and the money for the rooms. I am not talking about "we" here, as I don't really want to squeeze as much as humanly possible out of that poor sticker stuck to my jacket, like a static-y sock stuck to a cat.
I would like some time in those awesome outdoor hot tubs. My "wonderful" friends would rather try and beat each other on my wii as I make weak protests against sitting there watching them. It has been an hour and a half now, and I hear the golf of wii sports being played. That's right, it has come down to golf. of all the sports, that's the one that nobody plays. ever.
Today, however, I broke with tradition, I slept in, ate breakfast, and informed everyone I was not going snowboarding. Not surprisingly, everybody ignored it, and sat down to watch me eat my breakfast in an attempt to peer pressure me into eating faster so that they can get me bundled up in my jackets, pants, and boots to take me snowboarding. I wasn't going to fall for that dirty trick again, and re-informed all present that I was not going snowboarding at all. Interestingly enough, they eventually left. I sat by the window, finished reading Lord of the Flies [which I enjoyed], took a nap, woke up for lunch, and vegged out until my friends returned. All in all, a very pleasant day.
Of course, then the trouble starts. They begin to pester and bother, and for a while, we're pretty content with T.V. But the allure of the wii is just too much, and they begin a fierce match of wii sports (it was wiiplay yesterday.). ust now, one friend was shoved into a sharp corner, and scraped his back. Yes, they are that competitive.
In case anyone is wondering, no, I have not even had time/opportunity to go guy spotting. Not. Even. On. T.V. The stupid children hanging around has hijacked the remote, and set it on Famly Channel 24/7.
p.s I lost the game.
p.p.s I know this post sounds bratty, but my parents ignored my request to quit snowboarding for good, and instead bribed me in with new snowpants and boots. Yes, I love my new snowpants and boots, but I also remember why I wanted to quit now: My friends are jerks on the hills. Ever since breaking my arm, I just don't have the confidence to speed down the double black diamonds completely out of control. So, when they suggest the double black diamond trails, I protest, and cite responsibility and common sense. Of course, it's all thrown out the window, and me being oldest, is forced to follow along to make sure nobody dies. HOWEVER: I draw the line at the Glades. Against all the things I said, jerk friend #1 hopped into the glades, and dork friend #2 was lured in, like a true pre-teen follower. I stick my heels in here, and simply went down on the outer sides of the glades, to make sure that they don't die. Why I don't go? Well: a) I have no helmet b) I don't have the confidence for that c) I know that none of us was good enough to safely go down them as intended d) the weather wasn't the best e) I'm supposed to be responsible, and I know that ski patrol can't extract injured people very well from there.
So really, I swear, i'm not half as bratty as I sound. If my friends grew some common sense,
maybe I'd like snowboarding more.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
It's a posting Rampage!
Mostly because no one goes on the actual last day anyways. It's just school custom.
So, today, I send out les presents.
My sack of wonders included:
-Gonorrhea (The microbe plushie, not the STD)
-Rabies (yet to be given)
-A scarf
-A CD+ gift receipt as I suspected (correctly) that she already had the CD
-A White Blood cell (Also the plushie, gone to Jess)
-A stack of pandas
-A box of Toblerone for everyone else.
Received to come later. Maybe.
In anycase My ex-neighbour is visiting from England, and will be coming skiing with me and Ray for the next 4 days.
AS MUCH AS I ENJOY HER COMPANY She drives me insane.
Monopoly: Gloats about how she has no curb to her spending and therefore owns my ass at it, and only plays monopoly to own my ass at it.
Yesterday: Threw stale marshmallows at my head, and apparently, and I am the "host" and she is like, twelve, I don't have the right to kick her ass for doing it. If this continues, I WILL kick her ass, and probably shove some snow down there while I'm at it. >(
Oh, and since she (finally) hit puberty/had a growth spurt, she is like 2 inches taller than me and she like to hold that over my head too (pun not intended). Of course, if anyone paid any attention to genetics, it'd be pretty obvious that she'll be taller than me.
Case and point?
I am going to kill someone if she does not become a better person soon.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
With the discovery of Newmindspace, a world of possibilities have opened up.
The main one: I can accomplish the stuff on my list.
Remember my list?
Also: Revision. Masquerade will now be replaced by the Zombie Walk.
I finished my art!
The word is Smite.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
A post, but not a post: The Deep End
1. Put your ipod on shuffle.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Do the Hellen Keller
S'been a long time since the last blog.

Lets see...
-Went to Drop Everything's show, met some people, had fun
-Went Christmas shopping but cannot post pictures quite yet
-Bought new snow pants and snowboard boots, and will look bitchin' on the hills.
-Went to a (very sad) party
-Finished my English ILU in clown makeup
-Terrified people with my clown make up
All in all, a pretty fun few weeks. Now I am plotting for an awesome winter break, perhaps.
I've decided, I want to learn Esperanto it's only the coolest language ever. Conceived as an international language, it never really got THAT big, but there are a few hundred native speakers. That's pretty good for a made up language.
I plan to learn Esperanto through the miracle that is the INTERNET!
* Jizz in my pants is amazing. Really, good music AND crazy humour. Plus the fact that it has like 8 million views in a week.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Why is it that I have more "Random" posts than anything else?
Of the things I like on teh internetz.
Das Webcomics.
Questionable Content
A Softer World
Cyanide and Happiness
Pictures for Sad Children
Left-handed toons (by Right-handed People)
Das Blags
Passive-Aggressive Notes
Fail Blog
Overheard in New York
Das Misc.
FSM Forums
Snark Forums
Fresh off the Blog
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
- Mad hatter + Dormouse + Alice = Awesome! (I totally want a copy.)
And then there were the random weird portraits of me being a) normal b) glamorous and c) creeper.
Plus Hannah and her awesome makeup, and Jess being Jess :)
Of course, later, Jess and I worked on the ILU for English, and we have an amazing presentation waiting to be written.
In camera spirit, I leave this video.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
So I realised how many of my posts start with a "so..."
It is cold.
And I have baked some Tiny pies!
I made some tiny dough, and some tiny apples that I peeled with a tiny knife. Then I used tiny sugar and tiny cinnamon in a tiny oven to bake them. TINY.
I'm just kidding. They're apple pies, in cupcake size. Portable Pie!
Polyester: Just another synthetic fabric? Or is it harvested from the depths of the ocean by shady fabric companies?
Fact: Polyesters are tiny organisms that live at the bottom of the sea near the sulfur volcanoes. They feed on the heat and naturally weave themselves together to prevent being separated and hunted by other fabrics, like Lycra. A polyester floating around by its self is easy prey for the larger weaves, and it's soon absorbed by another polyester weave, if it's lucky, or it's devoured and weaved into some Lycra pants. Life as a polyester is not easy, from birth, it is in constant danger. Pubescent polyesters leave their weaves to find new communities to settle down and raise a family in. But, they are hunted by the already mentioned Lycra, not to mention the elusive Satin, and worst of all, the clothing companies. The young polyester is hunted in its youth when it is large enough to survive on its own, and away from any other pesky weaves before it turns too rigid for wear. The Polyesters are pulled out of the sea by deep-sea trawlers that hunt for polyester with static. After it is harvested it is forced into an unnatural weave and sown into fabrics. If it is not soaked in time, it will being to smell of decay ("that new clothes smell") and it won't be able to be revived if the season passes, where upon only bargain hunters who know the secret to polyester revival will be able to save them.
So, next time you buy polyester, make sure it is from sustainable polyester harvesting methods.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
It's a fluffy cloud day
Driving home from riding today, I spotted some awesome fluffy clouds, just like the ones on that one day in summer. If you looked at those clouds long enough, you could see faces, and people and animals frolicking in there. I like fluffy cloud days.

Speaking of fluffy, I think angora rabbits are the most amazing things ever. They are possibly the only pet in the world that resembles a pom pom with a nose. Plus, they also serve as a fountain of hair to knit into angora sweaters or mittens or scarves or... hats? Or instead of knitting, crocheting!
I've always wanted to learn to crochet- and by always wanted I mean: I want to because I lost my mittens. My poor mittens are probably running away on a bus or something by now. :(
I miss my mittens!
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Is it true what they told me, America?
Namely: The Epicness of all that is Dave Smallen.
Well.. Just click on the link, okay?
Everything else will resolve itself, Buddhist style.
So, the other day, I asked my mom what exactly is Buddhism, and the reply I get can be summarized as follows: Karma will get you. You just don't know when. And that includes your reincarnations too.
So, evil do-ers, be afraid. Be very afraid.
Then again, if you don't remember any of your other lives, I suppose you have no reason to worry. Since assholes don't really care about others anyway.
Oh, and if anyone is getting me a Christmas present, PLEASE make it an iTunes gift card. I'd love to buy the albums you can't find 'round these parts. Namely, so I can pay Dave Smallen for his amazing music, yes?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Most. Random. Day. EVER
Of course, that involves removal of pants. In the process of getting the gum off, we manage to completely soak the pants. I'm standing there in my underwear trying to dry them off. Of course, being a bathroom, people go in and out, and shoot weird looks at me. And I can only reply "I got gum on my pants!"
Later on, I had to bring in my 20KM/H sign into English for our presentation. (Pics of sign to come later) But after school, Jess and I went to Starbucks for some lemon poppy seed loaf+ Drinks. Of course, I'd have to take the sign with me. Now, hile walking down the street, I saw two kids, one pushing the other in what appeared to be a stolen shopping cart from Shoppers Drugmart.
later on, I walked by some dorky kids that ask me if I made or stole the sign. Of course, I had to walk with the writing sign turned away from the street to prevent anyone trying to arrest me.
In anycase, glad that's over. I'm sitting at home this weekend. FUN
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
I am a procrastinatar.
I was going to write a blag post.
But I put it off until tomorrah.
I was gonna complete my leest.
But... it can woit.
I promise I'll stop mispronpouncing things now. :)
In any case, my point was that I was thinking about my list of things to do, and how I have not done a single one in a month.
So, I'm thinking at the first sign of snowfall, I will make LED floaties, and turn Jack Darling Park into a magical place with glowing orbs.
But the whole battery being left behind bothers me, so I might scrawl "TAKE ME HOME" on them.
Either way, pictures shall accompany glowies.
In other news: I just received my compete Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy today. I'm excited
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Bite me, UN
All my friends are in Model UN
All my friends are in Model UN
All my friends are in Model UN
All my friends are in Model UN
I hate Model UN.
I will make my own model organization.
Model KKK?
Too racist.
Model GreenPeace?
Too green.
Model NATO?
Too weird.
Model WHO?
All members of the Model WHO will meet Next week at 15:47 to discuss Salmonella, ineffective?
Model UN, I would like my friends back, please.
Or else, I will commence the bombing. With Truth and Beauty bombs.
Take that! Future adults of the world.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Moo Sick
Considering I just got my Limewire back, I feel that this is a pretty appropriate time to blog about none other than my favourite music.

Let's start with the beginning. Way back in 7thish grade, there was The Offspring. Of course, they are still in my top 10 bands as a permanent fixture, but I must say Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace's album art disappointed me. Seriously, when your least successful albums sell a couple million copies, I think you can afford to make something that looks less like it was done with MS paint.
But anyways. My tastes grew and evolved, I had my indie phase, my hardcore phase, my dance phase, my pop punk phase, and now it's just a mush.
So let's list my top 20 minus the Offspring (in the order I thought of):
The Matches
Street to Nowhere/Dave Smallen
Family Force 5
Cobra Starship
Breaking Benjamin
Kate Voegele
We Are The Fury
Three Days Grace
My Favorite Highway
She Wants Revenge
The Fratellis
The High Court
Either way, my tastes change now and then, and I realise I really don't have 20 TOP bands, but a bunch of bands I like. So, there you go.
I am off to the dentist!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Dear Winter
Although I live in Canada, I think I am entitled to a mildly balmy winter, or at least a smooth transition. But no, Winter is like the old crotchety man of the seasons, it's incontinent and likes to meddle with the affairs of other seasons, namely fall. I have a fall jacket, I have a winter jacket. But my fall jacket isn't as thick as it could be and therefore is not very warm when it is under 5 degrees Celsius. Problem here? I don't want to wear my winter jacket just yet, and my fall jacket is unsuitable for heavy layering; unless of course I begin removing buttons.
This sudden switch between 14 degrees to snowing is very confusing and frustrating. It's impossible to gauge what to wear everyday knowing you're either going to be sweltering or frozen to the bones. What happened to the crisp autumn days I used to love? It's all gone now apparently no thanks to the humidity that likes to hang around.
I suppose what I'm trying to say to winter is: please leave my fall days alone! Fall is my favourite season, and this is not a pleasant autumn!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Random Act of Pirate!

So, Victoria, Jessica and I have taken up random act of pirating. Basically, we printed out the pirate (on the left) and tape it to people in a stealthy manner.
Speaking of stealthy, Kloonigames has a pirate fishing game out! If you were oh so cool, you'd have heard of Crayon Physics which was created by Kloonigames.. in a week. That's right. What does this have to do with stealth? Well, between weekly game making hiatus, he made a game about the boulder in Raiders of the Lost Ark. And if anyone ever decides to download the game and play it, they'll quickly realise the awesomeness of all that is the boulder and its stealthyness. What I'm trying to say here is Kloonigames is pwn.
Oh, and here's a sneezing panda for shits and giggles.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
22 (ish) things to do before graduation
Go to a drive in movie
Get all the friends into one swimming pool (anyone volunteering their pool?)
(Edit!) Go craft bombing
Befriend a random person
Hold a stake out
Have a picnic dinner and watch the stars
Hold a subway party- Edit: We may be arrested by the transit crew, so we might have to substitute a block party instead
Hold a mustache party
Learn and successfully conduct a magic trick
Pull an actual April Fools prank
Go clubbing
Plant a tree
Go skating at city hall
Make LED floaties
Visit a long lost friend (or a far away friend)
Shop Drop
Hold a masquerade
Commit a random act of kindness
Bungee jump at Canada's Wonderland
Double date
Attend the Toronto International Film Festival
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Odyssey!
This movie is utterly ridiculous, characters, acting, and the random sex scenes between Penelope and the sea. Like WTF?
right, So in the beginning, Odysseus's son is born.
Okay. this movie is too ridiculous to blog about. I just... CAN'T.
So, I bought Regina the (only) first season of jPod, and we ended up watching the entire first disk, consecutively. It's the best thing that has ever graced TV, with the possible exception to Pushing Daises and Dexter. House is pretty good, but not the BEST.
And if you were wondering why I did not embed the video, it's because I can't.
Either way, jPod is pwn. Like actually.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
So I was doing some online shopping...
Namely, this dress.

I was actually looking for the Judy Jetson dress, but that one is pretty awesome. Unfortunately, I don't really like to buy clothes off the internet in case I look stupid in it, and then I'll have to pay twice the shipping or whatever.
In other news, our history is watching a made for TV mini series on "The Odyssey" (while I typed that, I realised how awkward odyssey is to spell) and I must say it is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. But that's another story for another time :)
Sunday, October 5, 2008
So I glued my fingers together yesterday.

Actually. With superglue. Luckily, nail polish remover dissolves the bond. Well, actually, Acetone. So if you've got an acetone-free nail polish remover, you're screwed.
So I was working on my art project, the lego sculpture. I was supergluing most of the parts together (2 decks of cards, two matchboxes, two forkettes/ tiny tiny forks, a candle, a paper hat, and one salt shaker) to make something that kind of resembles Lego. And somehow, my had slips, and I find two of my fingers stuck together. Intrestingly enough, this is not the first time it's happened. My mom glued her finger to the glue bottle once, and I was stuck on google duty.
In anycase, m

Also: I recently discovered the wonders of La vache qui rit, you know, the cheese? It's amazing! Very yum, waaaaay better than cream cheese.
Oh and I just have to post some pictures my dad took of the Fam & Friends...


Sunday, September 28, 2008
OMG! Free things!
Upon leaving the fair (T-shirts in our free bags taken from Nipissing University along with the rest of our plundered goods) we realise that beside the fair was a bunch of tents set up by various companies (sony/some razor company/fruitopia) that had been giving out various free samples all day long. So, we rush in grab all the free razors and fruitopia shots that we can and leave before our bus leaves us. (Note: the razors were being handed out by men in pink fireman costumes, sadly I have no pictures)
Did I learn anything from the University Fair? Sure. Things about the specific schools and such? Not really.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Life, with LOLCATS and Regina

Basically, Regina is the top honcho if my friends were some kind of Canadian mob. And as a descriptor of me and Regina, see picture. I, the cat with the paper towels, and Regina, the hunched angry looking one. Haha, I am kidding. Regina's not angry, just hunched.
If one were to chronicle my life, a large portion of it would be in Regina's house watching her cook stuff while I wait for my parents to come home because I forgot my key.. again.
I just told Regina I was blogging about her, and I get a "Why?!"
Note the interrobang. Despite frequent interrobang usage, Regina's actually pretty big on grammar. I wouldn't be surprised if she was bored one day, and decided to tell me all the grammatical mistakes I've made on my measly 8 posts. Of course, she has other old school hobbies like cross words, and piano playing/cadence finding/listening for chord progressions in various works of music none of which are classical. Not to mention her website that she spends (I think) ridiculous amounts of energy on. (Was that a shamelss plug?)
Either way, We are friends. And we think alike way too much. Every so often, we see something, look at each other, and say the exact same thing.
She looks something like this:
Guess who's who?

Monday, September 22, 2008
-BAM- You're anxious!
Get things out of the way early. Once you have freed up your time, you can concentrate on the personal issues in your life that are stressing you out. Bring things out in the open and explain your position. 2 stars
It's clearly telling me to get my homework done, and then freak out over what may or may not be happening that I am no aware of.
I sound extra paranoid today. Maybe I am.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Dear Ms Gender-roles-I-love-my-baby-Stickler,
Now, the ILU, what's this "you should be working on your ILU 3-4 times a week" stuff? Are we supposed to read a page at a time or something?! There is only so much one person can do in the course of a week, and frankly, this just isn't going to happen. Especially if You keep giving us homework!
So, If you could kindly stop giving us homework long enough for me to breathe, and fix my posture from lugging around all your hand outs, I'd be grateful. See that? Not even a demand for no more homework, just a pause. If things don't go according to my plan, I may have to move onto plan omega. And that involves stealing some of your hair, a small doll, and some sharp pins.
Good day.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away

By now, you're probably wondering about that horse in a purple.. thing. That thing is a head and shoulder guard, and that horse is from the stable I ride at. Why do I post this? Because it is amusing. (Of course, I stole it off of some person's facebook when I saw someone commented on it)
Otherwise, I've relocated the website that sells the only polos I would approve of on a human being. Solely for the fact that they are hilarious. And of course, where there are polos, there is collar popping!
P.S Down with unicorns!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Alas, I can't remember what I used to do on the internet all day before. Facebook took over and erased all my amusement ideas. Oh well.
Life is dull and irritable. I just want to grab my English teacher and tell her that her baby is ugly, and it'll grow up to be a failure. I'm tired of hearing about her damned baby! (And she's only mentioned it a few times) But also, she rambles on and on and on and on about things, but here's the thing: She never strays off topic into something actually interesting. Just the same old junk.
I've been considering going for a run for quite some time now. And I have no excuses not to. I have a treadmill in the basement, I'm just lazy. Oh and my knees kind of hurt right now. BUT LIKE THAT'LL STOP ME. -Flexes crazy muscles-
In other news: this man is trying to kill English as we know it. Does he not realise how irritating it will be to read "We ll all b duumd! DUUUUMMMMD!" I hope this never gets past the rational people. Plus, the apostrophe is not a hard concept. It shortens things. The end.
Alas, I leave the computer so my dad can install my music on to this computer (Fred)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Back to the daily grind.
I have mixed feelings about school. I like my friends, I like seeing my friends, I like catching up with my friends, heck, I even like learning at school. But on the other hand (there are another 5 fingers) I don't really like the hard work, the slaving and the carrying of a horrid backpack everywhere. But, as always I have to attend school so I can attend another school which is supposed to prepare me for the "future" whatever that is.
Otherwise, I'm still reading A Fragment of the Whole by Steve Toltz. It's good, still only a teeny tiny bit in (91? pages) Frankly, I'm surprised with myself, I usually burn through books like a fire through, well, books. But I'll take my time with this one. (plus I have plenty to keep me busy)
Speaking of books, I just saw that the worst book I've ever read got a 5/5 rating on Amazon, while the best book I've ever read (Have you ever had a 5 page short story move you to tears? Didn't think so) gets a 4/5 rating. There is no justice in the world.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
We're coughing up ice cubes here.
I am sitting in my house, wearing a sweater wishing I had my scarf. (Yes, the scarf actually helps) I'd be wearing mittens, but I'm typing. Of course, it's only early September.
In other news: I have to eat lunch.
and as a closing thought, I leave you with this
Friday, September 5, 2008

Well, welcome to my first post on this blog.
I am Shiying, I am me. As you can see, I'm Asian. And Female. And Teenaged. But don't worry, I don't like the Twilight series, and I am not filled with angst. And instead of rambling on about myself like a narcissistic maniac, I will fill out a quiz given to us by our english teacher. Ready? OKAY!
A colour you like to wear: Blue
pet: Nurble, The newt
A taste that makes you melt: Er... Dulche du Leche ice cream!
A hobby that occupies your time: Web comics, The internet, knowing random stuff.
A country you'd like to explore: Madagascar!
Favorite sound: I... don't know... Wind Chimes
A favorite meal: People! (I kid, I kid)
A favorite board game: Clue
Magazine you read most frequently: I don't... But If I did, it would be something bizzare.
Singer or band to which you currently prefer to listen: Er, too many. Current Faves include: The Matches, Ludo, and of course, The Offspring.
The film you could watch over and over: Forrest Gump. It's classic!
Film most recently seen: Monsters Inc.
Book you are presently reading (excluding school material): Fragments of a Whole. I recommend it. It's AMAZING (more on this some other time)
A tv show you watch regularly: House, Futurama
An actor/actress whose performances you admire: Cristian Bale?
Favorite day of the week: Gnorblengovenday
Your favorite time of day: 11:08
A piece of clothing you love to wear: Pirate Costumes!
Your cologne or perfume: Depends.
Under your bed you hide.....hideous monsters
If you could afford to buy it at this moment, you would buy: Horses! Lots of them. For eating. (Is she joking?)
Your strangest possession: The heads of my enemies
Your most prized possession: My... Fred.
I think this is mostly it for now.
This is a blog, much like the others you've seen. Random musings/observations/ranting about my day/raving about my day/blithering/and all that other jazz.
And now, you can continue your life as you know it. Except, now you know there's my blog out there, where I can regurgitate ideas onto the internets. Or create ideas. But that's just how it goes. Just try and stop me. >:)