Well, welcome to my first post on this blog.
I am Shiying, I am me. As you can see, I'm Asian. And Female. And Teenaged. But don't worry, I don't like the Twilight series, and I am not filled with angst. And instead of rambling on about myself like a narcissistic maniac, I will fill out a quiz given to us by our english teacher. Ready? OKAY!
A colour you like to wear: Blue
pet: Nurble, The newt
A taste that makes you melt: Er... Dulche du Leche ice cream!
A hobby that occupies your time: Web comics, The internet, knowing random stuff.
A country you'd like to explore: Madagascar!
Favorite sound: I... don't know... Wind Chimes
A favorite meal: People! (I kid, I kid)
A favorite board game: Clue
Magazine you read most frequently: I don't... But If I did, it would be something bizzare.
Singer or band to which you currently prefer to listen: Er, too many. Current Faves include: The Matches, Ludo, and of course, The Offspring.
The film you could watch over and over: Forrest Gump. It's classic!
Film most recently seen: Monsters Inc.
Book you are presently reading (excluding school material): Fragments of a Whole. I recommend it. It's AMAZING (more on this some other time)
A tv show you watch regularly: House, Futurama
An actor/actress whose performances you admire: Cristian Bale?
Favorite day of the week: Gnorblengovenday
Your favorite time of day: 11:08
A piece of clothing you love to wear: Pirate Costumes!
Your cologne or perfume: Depends.
Under your bed you hide.....hideous monsters
If you could afford to buy it at this moment, you would buy: Horses! Lots of them. For eating. (Is she joking?)
Your strangest possession: The heads of my enemies
Your most prized possession: My... Fred.
I think this is mostly it for now.
This is a blog, much like the others you've seen. Random musings/observations/ranting about my day/raving about my day/blithering/and all that other jazz.
And now, you can continue your life as you know it. Except, now you know there's my blog out there, where I can regurgitate ideas onto the internets. Or create ideas. But that's just how it goes. Just try and stop me. >:)
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