Sunday, September 28, 2008
OMG! Free things!
Upon leaving the fair (T-shirts in our free bags taken from Nipissing University along with the rest of our plundered goods) we realise that beside the fair was a bunch of tents set up by various companies (sony/some razor company/fruitopia) that had been giving out various free samples all day long. So, we rush in grab all the free razors and fruitopia shots that we can and leave before our bus leaves us. (Note: the razors were being handed out by men in pink fireman costumes, sadly I have no pictures)
Did I learn anything from the University Fair? Sure. Things about the specific schools and such? Not really.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Life, with LOLCATS and Regina

Basically, Regina is the top honcho if my friends were some kind of Canadian mob. And as a descriptor of me and Regina, see picture. I, the cat with the paper towels, and Regina, the hunched angry looking one. Haha, I am kidding. Regina's not angry, just hunched.
If one were to chronicle my life, a large portion of it would be in Regina's house watching her cook stuff while I wait for my parents to come home because I forgot my key.. again.
I just told Regina I was blogging about her, and I get a "Why?!"
Note the interrobang. Despite frequent interrobang usage, Regina's actually pretty big on grammar. I wouldn't be surprised if she was bored one day, and decided to tell me all the grammatical mistakes I've made on my measly 8 posts. Of course, she has other old school hobbies like cross words, and piano playing/cadence finding/listening for chord progressions in various works of music none of which are classical. Not to mention her website that she spends (I think) ridiculous amounts of energy on. (Was that a shamelss plug?)
Either way, We are friends. And we think alike way too much. Every so often, we see something, look at each other, and say the exact same thing.
She looks something like this:
Guess who's who?

Monday, September 22, 2008
-BAM- You're anxious!
Get things out of the way early. Once you have freed up your time, you can concentrate on the personal issues in your life that are stressing you out. Bring things out in the open and explain your position. 2 stars
It's clearly telling me to get my homework done, and then freak out over what may or may not be happening that I am no aware of.
I sound extra paranoid today. Maybe I am.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Dear Ms Gender-roles-I-love-my-baby-Stickler,
Now, the ILU, what's this "you should be working on your ILU 3-4 times a week" stuff? Are we supposed to read a page at a time or something?! There is only so much one person can do in the course of a week, and frankly, this just isn't going to happen. Especially if You keep giving us homework!
So, If you could kindly stop giving us homework long enough for me to breathe, and fix my posture from lugging around all your hand outs, I'd be grateful. See that? Not even a demand for no more homework, just a pause. If things don't go according to my plan, I may have to move onto plan omega. And that involves stealing some of your hair, a small doll, and some sharp pins.
Good day.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Rain, Rain, Go Away

By now, you're probably wondering about that horse in a purple.. thing. That thing is a head and shoulder guard, and that horse is from the stable I ride at. Why do I post this? Because it is amusing. (Of course, I stole it off of some person's facebook when I saw someone commented on it)
Otherwise, I've relocated the website that sells the only polos I would approve of on a human being. Solely for the fact that they are hilarious. And of course, where there are polos, there is collar popping!
P.S Down with unicorns!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Alas, I can't remember what I used to do on the internet all day before. Facebook took over and erased all my amusement ideas. Oh well.
Life is dull and irritable. I just want to grab my English teacher and tell her that her baby is ugly, and it'll grow up to be a failure. I'm tired of hearing about her damned baby! (And she's only mentioned it a few times) But also, she rambles on and on and on and on about things, but here's the thing: She never strays off topic into something actually interesting. Just the same old junk.
I've been considering going for a run for quite some time now. And I have no excuses not to. I have a treadmill in the basement, I'm just lazy. Oh and my knees kind of hurt right now. BUT LIKE THAT'LL STOP ME. -Flexes crazy muscles-
In other news: this man is trying to kill English as we know it. Does he not realise how irritating it will be to read "We ll all b duumd! DUUUUMMMMD!" I hope this never gets past the rational people. Plus, the apostrophe is not a hard concept. It shortens things. The end.
Alas, I leave the computer so my dad can install my music on to this computer (Fred)
Monday, September 8, 2008
Back to the daily grind.
I have mixed feelings about school. I like my friends, I like seeing my friends, I like catching up with my friends, heck, I even like learning at school. But on the other hand (there are another 5 fingers) I don't really like the hard work, the slaving and the carrying of a horrid backpack everywhere. But, as always I have to attend school so I can attend another school which is supposed to prepare me for the "future" whatever that is.
Otherwise, I'm still reading A Fragment of the Whole by Steve Toltz. It's good, still only a teeny tiny bit in (91? pages) Frankly, I'm surprised with myself, I usually burn through books like a fire through, well, books. But I'll take my time with this one. (plus I have plenty to keep me busy)
Speaking of books, I just saw that the worst book I've ever read got a 5/5 rating on Amazon, while the best book I've ever read (Have you ever had a 5 page short story move you to tears? Didn't think so) gets a 4/5 rating. There is no justice in the world.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
We're coughing up ice cubes here.
I am sitting in my house, wearing a sweater wishing I had my scarf. (Yes, the scarf actually helps) I'd be wearing mittens, but I'm typing. Of course, it's only early September.
In other news: I have to eat lunch.
and as a closing thought, I leave you with this
Friday, September 5, 2008

Well, welcome to my first post on this blog.
I am Shiying, I am me. As you can see, I'm Asian. And Female. And Teenaged. But don't worry, I don't like the Twilight series, and I am not filled with angst. And instead of rambling on about myself like a narcissistic maniac, I will fill out a quiz given to us by our english teacher. Ready? OKAY!
A colour you like to wear: Blue
pet: Nurble, The newt
A taste that makes you melt: Er... Dulche du Leche ice cream!
A hobby that occupies your time: Web comics, The internet, knowing random stuff.
A country you'd like to explore: Madagascar!
Favorite sound: I... don't know... Wind Chimes
A favorite meal: People! (I kid, I kid)
A favorite board game: Clue
Magazine you read most frequently: I don't... But If I did, it would be something bizzare.
Singer or band to which you currently prefer to listen: Er, too many. Current Faves include: The Matches, Ludo, and of course, The Offspring.
The film you could watch over and over: Forrest Gump. It's classic!
Film most recently seen: Monsters Inc.
Book you are presently reading (excluding school material): Fragments of a Whole. I recommend it. It's AMAZING (more on this some other time)
A tv show you watch regularly: House, Futurama
An actor/actress whose performances you admire: Cristian Bale?
Favorite day of the week: Gnorblengovenday
Your favorite time of day: 11:08
A piece of clothing you love to wear: Pirate Costumes!
Your cologne or perfume: Depends.
Under your bed you hide.....hideous monsters
If you could afford to buy it at this moment, you would buy: Horses! Lots of them. For eating. (Is she joking?)
Your strangest possession: The heads of my enemies
Your most prized possession: My... Fred.
I think this is mostly it for now.
This is a blog, much like the others you've seen. Random musings/observations/ranting about my day/raving about my day/blithering/and all that other jazz.
And now, you can continue your life as you know it. Except, now you know there's my blog out there, where I can regurgitate ideas onto the internets. Or create ideas. But that's just how it goes. Just try and stop me. >:)