Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lordbug just doesn't have the same ring to it

So, recently, there's been a strange influx of ladybugs in my house. It started in September, I had just gotten home, and was minding my own business when I discovered a ladybug in the creases of my pants. I shooed it into another part of the room, and ignored it. A few days later, I was opening the door to my house when I discovered a ladybug on the other side of the door. Other notable times would include the time I found one in my shirt while I was undressing for a shower, and the one I almost stepped on thinking it was a speck of dirt.

There are no overtly large gaps in our house that would let the ladybugs in. And even if there were, why are there only ladybugs? So far, we've let the ladybugs live in peace, seeing as it is likely a mutually beneficial arrangement. Our plants (especially my hibiscus) often have bug problems over the winter, and from what I understand, ladybugs feed off of these bugs. Thus, I spend less time worrying about tiny insects flying up my nostrils, and the ladybugs don't freeze to death.

After a quick googling, it turns out that the species of ladybug I am seeing is the Asian Lady Beetle. It was introduced to kill aphids, which it did quite well, but because it is so competitive, it is also damaging native species of ladybugs. And, it is often known for hibernating in houses since it is native to Asia.

Invasive species? Helpful farm hands? Harbouring fugitives? Dilemma!

Though, truth be told, I think I have more things to worry about than non-native species of beetles taking refuge in my kitchen.


    In my bathrooms. There were so many of them.

  2. This is PG. I heard an NPR story about this. Many people often find a whole coven of ladybugs that choose to overwinter in their houses (im just going to assume that this is what the picture above is of). They reccomended tossing the whole pile of them into a plastic bag with some grass clippings and putting them in your fridge. Take them out in the spring and set them free.

    Can't imagine what the wife would say if she found a bag full of ladybugs in the fridge though.


    "oh no the bag is empty" would be a very alarming statement
